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Расширяем возможности игровых видеоприставок! В продаже самый настоящий компактный игровой комбайн, все самое любимое из Денди, все самое захватывающие из мира 16-битных игр и самое неожиданное, теперь с нами эмуляция с аркадных игровых автоматов – 14 динамичных игр формата MAME!,• Включай и играй! Это просто, это быстро, это весело! Большая библиотека встроенных игр дает возможность найти интересную игру для всех возрастов,• Новый формат меню, теперь навигация стала интуитивно понятной, с подсказками на русском языке,• Совместимость со стандартными джойстиками 16-бит 9 pin, удобная эргономичная форма джойстиков для успешной игры
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Количество предустановленных игр
Предустановленные игры
1. Carrier Air Wing 2. Final Fight 3. Forgotten Worlds 4. Ghouls'n Ghost 5. Knights of the Round 6. Magic Sword 7. Mega Twins 8. Nemo 9. Pnickies 10. Strider 11. The King of Dragons 12. Three Wonders 13. U.N. Squadron 14. Willow 1. 1942 2. 1943 3. ABADOX 4. Adventure Island 2 5. Adventure Island 3 6. Adventures of Dino Riki, The 7. Adventures Of Lolo 8. Adventures Of Lolo 2 9. After Burner 2 10. Aladdin 11. Alfred Chicken 12. Alien 3 13. Antarctic A 14. Arcanoid 15. Astro Fang 16. Babel no Tou 17. Balda 18. Balloon Fight 19. Barbie 20. Batman 21. Batman 3 22. Battle City 23. Battleship 24. Big Nose the Caveman 25. Bigfoot 26. Binary Land 27. Block 28. Blodia Land - Puzzle Quest 29. Bomberman 30. Bomberman II 31. Bombsweeper 32. Boulder Dash 33. Bubble Bath Babes 34. Bubble Boobble Part 2 35. Bucky Ohare 36. Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The 37. BurgerTime 38. Cabal 39. Captain America 40. Captain SkyHawk 41. Card G 42. Castle Excellent 43. Chack'n Pop 44. Chessmaster, The 45. Chip 'n Dale 46. Chip 'n Dale 2 47. Circus Charlie 48. Clu Clu Land 49. Code Name - Viper 50. Contra Forсe 51. Cross Fire 52. Darkwing Duck 53. Deblock 54. Devil World 55. Dig Dug 56. Donkey Kong 57. Double Dragon 3 58. Dr. Mario 59. Dracula 60. Dragon Spirit 61. Dragon's Lair 62. Duck 63. Duck Tales 64. Duck Tales 2 65. Elevator Action 66. Exerion 67. F-1 Sensation 68. Felix The Cat 69. Felix The Cat 2 70. Fire Dragon 71. Firehouse Rescue 72. Fire'n Ice 73. Flappy 74. Flinstones 75. Flintstones 2 76. Front Line 77. Galaga 78. Galaxian 79. Gauntlet 2 80. Geimos 81. Go! Benny! 82. Goal 3 83. Godzilla - Monster of Monsters! 84. Golby No Pipeline Daisakusen 85. Golf 86. Gradius 87. Gremlins 2 88. Guerrilla War 89. Gun Nac 90. Gyrodine 91. Harry Potter 92. Hatris 93. Heavy Barrel 94. Hello Kitty 95. Home Alone 96. Home Alone 2 97. Hose Dream 98. Hunt For Red October 99. Ice Climber 100. Ikari III - The Rescue 101. IKKI 102. Image Fight 103. Insector X 104. Isolated Warrior 105. Jewelry 106. Journey to Silius 107. Joy & Mac 108. Kickle Cubicle 109. Kid Klown 110. Life Force 111. Little Nemo - The Dream Master 112. Lode Runner 113. Lunar Pool 114. Macross 115. Mad Max 116. Magical Mathematics 117. Mappy 118. Mappy Land 119. Mario Bros 120. Mario is Missing! 121. Mickey's Adventures in Numberland 122. Mickey's Safari in Letterland 123. Micro Machines 124. Mighty Bomb Jack 125. Monster In My Pocket 126. Moon Crystal 127. Mr. Gimmick 128. Ms Pac-Man 129. Nigel Mansell's 130. Ninja Kun 131. Ninja Ryukenden 3 132. Ninja Turtles 2 133. Ninja Turtles 3 134. Nuts & Milk 135. Orb 3D 136. Othello 137. Over Horizon 138. Pac-Mania 139. Palamedes 140. Panic Restaurant 141. Parodius 142. Pinball 143. Pipe Dream 144. Pong of Wars 145. Popeye 146. Power Blade 147. Pro-Am 148. Pyramid 149. Quarth 150. Quattro Arcade 151. Rackets & Rivals 152. Rainbow Islands 153. Rampart 154. Road Fighter 155. Robocop 156. RoboCop 2 157. Rock 'n' Ball 158. Rockin' Kats 159. Sea of Dreamland 160. Seicross 161. Shadow Of The Ninja 162. Side Pocket 163. Sky Destroyer 164. Snow Bros 165. Soap Panic 166. Solitaire 167. Sonson 168. Spider Man 169. Spy Hunter 170. Star Wars 2 171. Super Contra 172. Super Mario Bros 173. Super Mario Bros 2 174. Super Mario Bros 3 175. Super Sprint 176. Super Donkey Kong 2 177. Sword Master 178. Tale Spin 179. Tank 1995 180. Tennis 181. Terminator 182. Terminator 2 183. Tetris 184. Tetris 2 185. The Little Mermaid 186. Tiny Toon Adventures 187. Tiny Toon Adventures 2 188. Tom & Jerry 189. Tom & Jerry 3 190. Tournament Fighters 191. Ultimate Stuntman 192. Vindicators 193. Volguard 2 194. Wacky Races 195. Warehn18 196. Warpman 197. Wolverine 198. Xevious 199. Yo! Noid 200. Yoshi's Cookie 1. Addams Family Values 2. Aero Blaster 3. Aero the Acro-Bat 2 4. After Burner 2 5. Aladdin 6. Alien 3 7. Alien Soldier 8. Alien Storm 9. Animaniacs 10. Ariel the Little Mermaid 11. Asterix and the Great Rescue 12. Asterix the Power of the Gods 13. Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt! 14. Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP 2 15. Barbie Super Model 16. Bare Knuckle 3 (Streets of Rage 3) 17. Bass Masters Classic 18. Batman 19. Batman Forever 20. Battletech 21. Battletoads 22. Battletoads and Double Dragon 23. Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast 24. Block Out 25. Bonanza Bros. 26. Boogerman 27. Bubba N Stix 28. Bubble and Squeak 29. Bubsy 2 30. Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble 31. Caesars Palace 32. Cannon Fodder 33. Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse 34. Castlevania: Bloodlines 35. Championship Pro-Am 36. Chase HQ2 37. Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales 38. Chessmaster 39. Clue 40. Combat Cars 41. Comix Zone 42. Commandos 43. Contra: Hard Corps 44. Cool Spot 45. Cutthroat Island 46. Daffy Duck in Hollywood 47. Demolition Man 48. Desert Demolition 49. Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf 50. Domino 51. Donald Duck in Maui Mallard 52. Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone 53. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story 54. Duke Nukem 55. Earthworm Jim 56. Earthworm Jim 2 57. Ecco Jr. 58. Ecco the Dolphin 59. Fantasia 60. Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge 61. FIFA Soccer 97 Gold Edition 62. Fire Shark 63. Flashback: The Quest for Identity 64. Flicky 65. Fun Car Rally 66. Galaxy Force 2 67. Gargoyles 68. Gauntlet 4 69. General Chaos 70. Ghostbusters 71. Ghouls'N Ghosts 72. Golden Axe 3 73. Goofy's Hysterical History Tour 74. Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude! 75. Gunstar Heroes 76. Hercules 77. Hook 78. Hurricanes 79. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 80. Indy Car 81. Insector X 82. It Came From The Desert 83. James Bond 007 -The Duel 84. Jewel Master 85. Joe and Mac 86. Judge Dredd 87. Junction 88. Jungle Strike 89. Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition 90. Jurassic Park: The Lost World 91. Kawasaki Superbike Challenge 92. Lotus 2 93. Lotus Turbo Challenge 94. Mario Andretti Racing 95. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 96. Mega Bomberman 97. Mega Turrican 98. Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators 99. Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse 100. Mickey's Ultimate Challenge 101. Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament 102. Midnight Resistance 103. Mig-29 Fighter Pilot 104. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 105. Monopoly 106. Mortal Kombat 3 107. Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate 108. Mr Nutz 109. Mulan 110. NBA Live ‘97 111. NHL All-Star Hockey ‘95 112. Nigel Mansell's World Championship 113. Operation Europe 114. Pink Goes to Hollywood 115. Pinocchio 116. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure 117. Pocahontas 118. Predator 2 119. Primal Rage 120. Prince of Persia 121. Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck 122. Radical Rex 123. Revolution-X 124. Ristar 125. Road Blasters 126. Road Rash 3 127. Robocop 3 128. Robocop vs Terminator 129. Rock n' Roll Racing 130. Samurai Spirits 131. SeaQuest DSV 132. Shaq Fu 133. Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master 134. Side Pocket 135. Simpsons Bart vs The Space Mutants 136. Skeleton Krew 137. Snake Rattle 'n' Roll 138. Snow Bros: Nick and Tom 139. Sonic 3D Blast 140. Sonic Spinball 141. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 142. Space Invaders 91 143. Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe 144. Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage 145. Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety 146. Spider-Man: The Animated Series 147. Splatterhouse 3 148. Spot Goes to Hollywood 149. Squirrel King 150. Stargate 151. Story of Thor 152. Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition 153. Street Racer 154. Sunset Riders 155. Super Battle Tank: War in the Gulf 156. Super Battleship 157. Super Donkey Kong '99 158. Super Hang On 159. Super Mario World 160. Super Off Road 161. Sylvester and Tweety 162. Syndicate 163. Tale Spin 164. Taz in Escape from Mars 165. Taz-Mania 166. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist 167. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters 168. Tekken 3 Special 169. The Adventures of Batman and Robin 170. The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure 171. The Flintstones 172. The Immortal 173. The Incredible Hulk 174. The Jungle Book 175. The Lawnmower Man 176. The Lion King 177. The Lost Vikings 178. The Ottifants 179. The Pagemaster 180. The Pirates of Dark Water 181. The Smurfs 182. Theme Park 183. Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars 184. Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure 185. Top Gear 2 186. Toxic Crusaders 187. Toy Story 188. True Lies 189. Turbo Out Run 190. Urban Strike 191. Vectorman 2 192. Viewpoint 193. Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars 194. Wimbledon Championship Tennis 195. Wolverine: Adamantium Rage 196. World of Illusions 197. WWF Wrestlemania Arcade 198. X-Men 199. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel 200. Zero Tolerance
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